Message from the Principal

Hello St. Al Families,

The school year is underway.  Students are learning new routines, new systems, and new ways to spread joy.  The school building is never quite the same without our students as they are our mission here at St. Alphonsus.  As we embrace our time together, we are all working on ways we can best serve and grow through our time together.  Our vision statement mentions developing servant leaders and this is the goal for us all.  As children of God, we are all called to be servant leaders in our community, leading the way with love and compassion as we serve where we can.  Martin Luther King Jr. said “everybody can be great…because anybody can serve.” Let us all begin this school year with service in mind.  Let us reach out to those around us, to the school, to our students, to our staff, and the Church, looking for ways we can use our talents and treasures to serve others and the Lord.

Thank you,

Kathleen Daspit
St. Alphonsus Parish School