Current Opportunities

Lunch/Recess Monitors Daily Click here. We need 2 parents to volunteer every day to ensure the safety of our kids and to give teachers a lunch.
Welcome Back BBQ Sat Sep 7, 12-3pm Click here. Set up, clean up, bring a dish to share.
Jog-a-thon Fri Sep 27 Click here. This fun event is a student favorite and an important fundraiser for our school. We’ll need help before and after this spring event, as well as the day of.
Auction & Gala Sat Mar 1 Coming soon. We have a lot of volunteer opportunities for the auction. It is a great way to come together with others in the community and fulfill volunteer hour requirements.

Ongoing Opportunities

School Event Photographer Contact [email protected]. Take photographs of various school events (often during school hours) to document our activities and use on the school website and social media.
Teacher Luncheon Volunteers (ongoing) Contact [email protected]. Help organize school community provided lunches for teachers and staff throughout the school year.
General Volunteer Contact [email protected].  There are always events and projects that need your help.

  • Trunk or Treat (Oct)
  • Holiday Hoopla (Dec)
  • BINGO night (ongoing)
  • Junior Olympics (May)