Parish News


Join us for Mass for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a holy day of obligation on Tuesday, August 15 at 8am and 7pm!

Holy Week Liturgies

Join us for our Holy Week liturgies!

Holy Thursday (Thursday 4/6): 7pm

Good Friday (Friday 4/7): Stations @ 3pm; Veneration of the Cross @ 7pm

Easter Vigil (Saturday 4/8): 8:30pm

Easter Morning (Sunday 4/9): 9am

Mercy Night

Join us for Mercy Night on Wednesday, March 29 from 6-8pm.  Confession, Adoration & Worship available!

Fridays during Lent

On Friday mornings during Lent we will have Benediction, Adoration & Confession Available following our 8am Mass until 9:30am.

On Friday evenings during Lent we will have Stations of the Cross at 6pm followed by a meal!

Ash Wednesday

Join us for Ash Wednesday Mass on Wednesday, February 22 @ 8:45am & 7pm.

Christmas Masses

Join us for Mass this Christmas!

Christmas Eve: Saturday, December 24: 5pm (Children’s Mass) & 7pm
Christmas Morning: Sunday, December 25: 9am

Annual Catholic Appeal

We invite you to join our parish community along with thousands of other Catholics across Western Washington to make a gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal to support the many ministries and services offered by our regional church.  Please prayerfully consider the question, “What can I return to the Lord for all He has given me?

Join us for Holy Week!

Holy Thursday
Thursday, April 14 @ 7pm
Adoration will follow until 10pm.

Good Friday
Friday, April 15 @ 7pm
Adoration Chapel closed, no evening Adoration

Easter Sunday
Vigil on Saturday, April 16 @ 8:30pm
Sunday Morning on Sunday, April 17 @ 9am