Hello St. Al Family and Friends,

We are so thankful for the blessings God has given us as we consider the sacrifices, we have made this Lenten season.  The 4th grade class led a wonderful prayer assembly on Wednesday, reminding us of just how important it is to be kind.  At the end of the assembly I had the students sit silently for ten seconds and think of two ways they could show kindness this week.  As we watch the news and read the headlines, it is difficult at times to see the good that still exists around us.  Through the lens of Lent and Catholic teachings, I encourage everyone to find ways in which we can spread the love of Christ through our own acts of kindness.  I challenge each of you to consider this question: what acts of kindness can you perform this next week?

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. ~Ephesians 4:32

Thank you,

Kathleen Cifu

Angels’ Angle:  April 4, 2019