Early Learning Programs for 2.5 to 5 Year-Olds

St. Al’s Early Learning Program allows each child to grow academically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually at their own pace. We strive to develop students who have a good self-image, respect the rights of others, are motivated and curious self-learners, and see the wonders of God in the world around them.

Our early learning program features two classrooms with two different approaches to each child’s development.

Pre-Kindergarten Room

This classroom is centered around the Montessori principles of child-led learning and self-discovery, emphasizing the importance of fostering independence and intrinsic motivation. The approach encourages a prepared environment with specially designed materials to facilitate hands-on exploration, promoting the holistic development of a child’s cognitive, social, emotional, and physical skills. Beginning in 2024-25, this Montessori-based classroom will be our dedicated pre-kindergarten class for students aged 4 to 5-years old.

Preschool Room (formerly Exploratory)

Student experiences in this room originate from play-based learning concepts based on the Reggio philosophy of learning. Activities and projects are structured to allow student learning with guided instruction. Students conduct experiments, analyze items, and make conclusions based on guiding questions and class goals. Units are thematic and provide academic learning alongside social and emotional development. Beginning in 2024-25, this Reggio-based classroom will become our preschool classroom and will focus on learners aged 2.5 to 4-years old.


Students in our early learning program also take part in specialist time, meeting once a week with our Music, PE, and Library teachers. They learn basic concepts in those areas and practice skills with the teacher for that content area. Students even get to perform in our winter and spring concerts under the direction of our Music teacher.


Children in our programs range from ages two and a half to five and will be sorted into the program that most closely aligns with their age and development. When a student is at an “in-between” age, we will evaluate which program is better for their needs before assigning them to a classroom.

All students must be 2.5 years old and fully potty-trained by August 31. 

3-Days or 5-Days

Choose a three-day (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday) or five-day per week schedule. The Early Learning program operates on the same calendar as St. Alphonsus Parish School.

Schedules (2024-25)

Time Optional
Full-day 8:15 am – 3:05 pm* Hot Lunch available for purchase
After School Care (dismissal – 6 pm)
Half-day (Morning) 8:15am – 11:15 am Supervised Lunch (11:15-12:00)
Hot Lunch available for purchase
*2:15 pm Dismissal every Wednesday afternoon

Catholic Values

St. Alphonsus early learning teachers see themselves as aides to parents in the faith development of the child. Our goal is to encourage each child to come to know the love God has for them. Our school mission statement applies to all of our students and can be witnessed through engaging activities, as well as the care and support students receive from our staff. We teach the whole child, encouraging all students to reach their God-given potential in all areas of development.


Our teachers are certified in Early Childhood education development. All of our teachers are held to our high standards as an academic and religious institution. We currently have two full-time teachers and two-three full-time aids working with our preschool students. We maintain a child to staff ratio of no more than 10:1.