The Parents’ Club is responsible for building and maintaining a sense of community and communication between home and school. They provide a vehicle through which parents can provide service to the school through volunteering and fundraising, as well as parent education. All parents and guardians of St. Alphonsus students are automatically members of the Parents’ Club. There is no application required or dues collected.
23-24 Parents’ Club Officers
Maureen Endres & Lindsey Leano
Vice President
Olivia Raese
Frances Park
Susan Young
Events Coordinator
Katrina Hupp
Bylaws are the guiding policies and procedures for the Parents’ Club and its board. The bylaws are reviewed and edited by the Parent Club Board and the Principal. The document, showing edits or changes is then put to a vote, open to all St. Alphonsus parents. The following are the current bylaws, as voted by the parents of St. Alphonsus in June 2019.