Message from the Principal

Hello St. Al Families,

Welcome to the season of Advent.  Monday our school met together to begin our Advent festivities.  We kicked off the morning by saying a special prayer before lighting the first candle in our wreath.  I shared with the students the symbolism of this first candle—hope.  Hope can be a difficult concept at times.  We lead busy lives and encounter many trials.  We watch the news or walk down the street and can often be discouraged by the suffering we see or experience.  Maybe you are experiencing a trying time of your own and hope feels too far away.  That’s when we need God.  He is our hope.

Monday, I gave the students a challenge of finding hope in a moment that might normally discourage them.  We will end the week with students then being challenged to find a way to take that hope they found and share it with someone, help someone else find hope.  This may be a donation or saying hello and smiling if someone looks sad.  It doesn’t have to be a large gesture to be one full of hope.  You could even get the whole family involved.  Think about something you can do as a family this weekend that can provide hope to someone who needs it.

I love that this is how we get to begin the Advent season, thinking about all of the love and support God has waiting for us.


Kathleen Daspit


St. Alphonsus Parish School