Message from the Principal

Hello and welcome back,

How exciting to be back together after our break.  The school building was full of joy, as students shared their stories and friends reconnected.  Over the week I have heard about trips and presents, reactions from opening gifts and service projects our families took part in.  It was a smooth start to the week with everyone easily slipping back into the school routine.

As we get back into the school year, we have a lot of items planned over the next few months.  We are looking forward to Catholic Schools Week beginning Jan 26 and the culmination of our accreditation journey through our site visits Jan 17 and Feb 25-27.  Progress reports for the second trimester will arrive Jan 28 and Winter MAPS testing will begin for K-4 on Feb 3. More exciting information will be sent out in a separate email from me tomorrow, so stay tuned.

Thank you to everyone who has helped along our accreditation journey and thank you for your continued support of the school.

Kathleen Daspit


St. Alphonsus Parish School