Dear families and friends,
Yesterday we received a $5,000 gift from an anonymous donor to provide HEPA air purifiers in every classroom. These purifiers have been tested to remove 99.9% of airborne COVID-19 & SARS-Cov-2 particles and are designed for school settings. We are so incredibly grateful for this gift!
Using that momentum, I announced at last evening’s K-4 Curriculum Night that we needed $2,000 in additional support to cover our high-capacity areas like the Cafeteria and Student Commons. Within hours, we more than doubled our goal! But don’t worry. There’s still time to get in on the action.
Please consider making an online gift to our Annual Fund to cover the cost of replacement filters and ongoing maintenance for the next 3 years. The filters on each of the 25 units cost $60 and last one year. We are hoping to raise an additional $3,000 by October 1. When making your online gift, please indicate Greatest Need (Annual Fund/HEPA Air Purifiers). This is an excellent opportunity to satisfy your family’s recommended commitment of $125 to the Annual Fund.
From the outset, our guiding principles during this pandemic school year have been to provide a safe, uninterrupted, in-person learning experience. Your generous donation further safeguards that commitment both now and for the future, which likely involves new COVID variants, not to mention the common flu, smoke from more intense fire seasons, dust and pollen, and whatever else Mother Nature hurls our way.
Thank you for your prayerful consideration of contributing to the health and wellness of St. Alphonsus Parish School. We are so blessed by this community’s generosity and commitment to our sustained educational mission. God is good!
With gratitude,
Nick Padrnos, Principal