Message from the Principal


Hello St. Al Families,

Last Friday, our teachers met together for our annual Christ in the Classroom (CIC) retreat.  It is time for us to pray and learn together. We discover more about our faith so we can guide our students through that same discovery.  The focus of this year’s retreat was on the parts of mass: the symbolism, the practice, and the message.

In our discussion about Introductory Rites, we spoke a lot about mindset in preparation for mass.  With our busy lives, it is often difficult to quiet our minds and truly open ourselves to fully participate in mass.  I personally need some time in the quiet church before others arrive to calm my thoughts, pray, find peace in the presence of God, and open my heart to His message for me that day.  Unfortunately, we don’t always get those peaceful moments to prepare. So how do we ensure the right mindset for mass?  For me, it is what I call the micro-moments.  The little slivers of time where I take a deep breath or say a simple prayer.  It is that little moment where I hold the crucifix on my necklace and say “God, please speak to me.”

Sometimes, it isn’t easy to get into the right mindset.  Sometimes, isn’t easy to quiet the mind and tune out the world outside.  It isn’t easy to always be present in the beginning moments of mass but it is completely worth it.  When you have the right mindset you can cast off distractions and fully participate in the beautiful celebration of mass.


Kathleen Daspit


St. Alphonsus Parish School