Message from the Principal


Hello St. Al Families,

Tomorrow is All Saints Day.  It is a holy day that celebrates individuals we can turn to in prayer and in deed as models of our Catholic faith.  These are men, women, and children who lived their lives as beautiful examples for us to follow, using their God-given talents and following God’s call.

All Saints Day kicks off the start of a joyous time for staff and students at St. Alphonsus because we extend this celebration throughout the whole month of November.  By the end of the day, November 4, class and office doors throughout the school will be decorated to represent a variety of saints the students will be learning about.  Teachers and students research each saint and determine what information should be included in the design and what visuals best represent the love, the sacrifice, and the service of their subject.  Teachers then take these elements and share them during Families.  They also work them into lessons or class discussion as students discover other doors throughout the building.  Some of the saints that will be featured this year include: St. Faustina, St. Francis Cabrini, and St. Bakhita.  We have so many more, including the office door, so feel free to take a peek beginning November 5th.

“Faith is like a bright ray of sunlight. It enables us to see God in all things as well as all things in God.” —St. Francis de Sales



Kathleen Daspit


St. Alphonsus Parish School