Message from the Principal


Hello St. Al Families,

As many of you know we are celebrating Saints Month the entire month of November here at St. Alphonsus. Saints are important figures as they not only provide precious examples of God-centered living but they also intercede on our behalf, listening to our prayers, and easing our pain.

When I was incredibly new to the Catholic Church, my first encounter with a specific saint took place on All Saints Day.  The church I was attending at the time had a saints parade with children dressed up as saints, sitting in special pews marked for them during the mass. This was my second mass after beginning RCIA and the priest immediately directed me to a specific row.  “You need to sit here,” he said. “This saint is your saint.” He then introduced me to the girl dressed up as St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and her mother who sat next to me for mass. The little girl, with a bit of motherly assistance, spent the next fifteen minutes telling me everything she could about her saint.  I was in awe because Seton truly was the perfect saint for me.  She experienced tragedy, illness, relocation to an unknown place, and still persevered.  While she had a religious background, her circumstances and the longing of her heart moved her to convert to Catholicism and open a school.

Elizabeth Ann Seton’s story, her example of faith amidst adversity, and her work in education made her the example I needed at that moment.  She became my Confirmation saint and I still open my books of her writings for guidance and inspiration.  I thank the little girl and her mother for teaching me back then.  God spoke through that little girl and shared something He needed me to know.  This time each year, I think about all of our students as they have the opportunity to make this impact on someone, letting God speak through them.  We teach about the saints so students can learn but my hope is that they will also share this learning with others—friends, neighbors, family—so the stories can spread and the Christ-like example can be seen in us all.

“Faith lifts the soul, Hope supports it, Experience says it must and Love says…let it be!.”
― Elizabeth Ann Seton



Kathleen Daspit


St. Alphonsus Parish School