Well, the garden is nearly totally tamed, the Shed has the last coats of paint on it, and the Patch is full of glorious blooms! Sunflowers with their faces soaking in the sun, coneflowers (Echinacea) in array of stunning gem tones, and happy geraniums are just some of the beauties blooming in now! Even the lavenders are blooming for their 2nd & 3rd times this season!  The bees are happy, Hummingbirds are zipping through and stopping for a nectar snack, and even a cat or two has been spotted lounging!  Our pumpkins are flowering as well, which, if the warm days continue a little longer, we may have a mini pumpkin patch this year! Thank you to my two Angels who helped plant 16 pumpkin starts!  You know who you are, young ladies!
Last weekend during the School Clean-up (which was amazing) we had a few diehard gardeners help in the rain including a “Little Angel” in her happy raincoat! Weeding was done in our Patch and the Residents Patch was tackled – weeded, a few weed barrier runners went down and even two arbors built and put up!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!  The lavenders (12) sitting in the School Patch for the Resident Patch, will go in in the coming weeks to get their roots happy and established over the winter months as the “bones” in that garden.  There is LOTS of room in both Patches for more plants!  If you find you have too many Winter veggie starts, you’re dividing clumps of your daylilies and need to “relocate them” or anything else you have growing that needs a new home, let us know!  They will find new happy homes in the Patches!
We do have a wish list – good compost, topsoil and cedar playground chips if you so choose!  We could use it!
Happy Gardening!!!!
Chris Cairns and the St. Al’s Dirt Club