Hello St. Al Families,

Welcome to week two of our school year together. I wanted to provide information about a few upcoming events as well as reminders about some of our safety polices and procedures.

Curriculum Night

  • Pre-K through 4th Grade; September 19, 7-8:30pm

Book Fair

Picture Day

  • September 18; full uniform day for pictures and for mass

Maps Testing

  • Begins September 17

Policies and Procedures

Visitor badges: When visiting the school please sign in and out at the front office. Also, please pick up a visitor badge.  We want to make sure all adults in the building can be easily identified and that the office is aware we have visitors.  This assists us in evacuating the building during emergency situations and allows us to maintain a high level of safety and security for our students through out the day. If you see someone in the building who is not a staff member and is not wearing a visitor badge, please report it to the office immediately.

Doors: All doors to our buildings remain locked during the school day.  This is to make sure that no one is admitted without permission.  Please make sure to close all doors behind you when entering the building and do not admit anyone behind that is not known to you or is not clearly going to the office.

Pets on campus:

* Absolutely no dogs or pets are allowed in the school building
* No dogs or pets are allowed on the outdoor courtyard area (where we line up for morning prayer and flag salute and where we dismiss in the afternoon)
* Please also refrain from bringing dogs or pets into the “yellow cone” area that connects our school to the playground
* No dogs or pets on any part of our designated playground areas including big toys and basketball courts

AHERA:  Attached is a letter that is sent out annually by the Archdiocese of Seattle.  Federal regulations require that all schools send out this letter regarding AHERA information.

Thank you for a wonderful start to our second week and I look forward to our exciting events together in September.

Thank you,
Kathleen Cifu