Hello St. Al Families,

October is the month traditionally dedicated to the Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary. For many, praying the Rosary is a source of peace and contemplation. For me, praying the Rosary has always been a way to fully embrace the connection of my faith and its practice.  I would encourage all to take a few moments out of the day to contemplate the mysteries of the rosary and make a connection of your own.


Month of October: SCRIP Presto Pay Contest

–Sign-up for Presto Pay through SCRIP.  It only takes a few minutes and gives you instant access to the same rebates you know and love from the physical cards.  Check out this link to sign-up.

–The class with the highest percentage of parents to sign-up for SCRIP Presto Pay will win a non-uniform day.

Tuesday, October 9: School Commission Meeting

Wednesday & Thursday, October 10-11: 8th Grade at Camp Huston

Friday, October 12: Auction Procurement Item Descriptions Due & No School (Teacher Excellence Day)

Policy & Procedure Reminder

Just a reminder that students who do not arrive in time to join their class for line-up should check in at the office.  In addition, if a student is going to be late or absent, please notify Lisa Macomber via email or through the main office phone as soon as possible. You may also want to connect with the student’s teacher for class work and other news from the day.

Thank you to everyone who attended the Parent Club meeting and first Coffee with the Principal event last week.  It is such a wonderful part of my week, getting to spend time with our parents and share some of the reasons why I love this school community.   Also, a big thank you to Sr. Mary Elizabeth Albers who shared her story and inspiration with everyone at the Parent Club meeting.

I wish you all a wonderful second week of October.

Thank you,
Kathleen Cifu