Hello St. Al Families,

November is in full swing and so is Saint Month.  All over the school doors are being decorated and students are learning about the specific saints for their classrooms.  November is also a very full month with events, such as our school auction just right around the corner.  Make sure to check out the school calendar on our website for more information.


  • Accreditation Parent Survey

As some of you may know, this is our self-study year for accreditation.   This fall we have already been collecting evidence for various sections of our report.  We are now asking for the completion of a parent survey, filled out by current parents of St. Alphonsus students.  The deadline for completion of the survey is November 16.  At that time we will take the survey offline and begin sorting through responses.  Your participation in this survey is essential.  It serves as a key item for our initial analysis of the current state of our school and will be counted among other forms of data to determine next steps in our accreditation journey.

Parent Survey Link

  • Congratulations to 7th grade girls and 8th grade boys soccer.  Along with our teammates from St. John, they both won their championship games this weekend.
  • Calling all students who love to sing, the parish youth choir is looking for anyone 3rd-12th grade who would like to join.  Contact the parish office for more information. Non-parish? No problem.


Friday, November 9: Parent Club Open Meeting with Special Guest 

–Join our Parent Club this Friday in the Commons/Cafeteria for their monthly meeting, featuring special guest Tom Uniack, St. Al’s parent and Executive Director at Washington Wild.

Monday, November 11: Veteran’s Day, School is closed in observance 

Saturday, November 17: School Auction 

–I would like to remind everyone to RSVP for the auction on November 17.  The date is fast approaching, and we want to make sure your space is reserved.  Feel free to drop off your RSVP cards in the main office or follow this link to register online.