Hello St. Al’s Families,

Thank you all for a wonderful Family Fun Night on Friday and a special thank you to everyone who helped us run games, serve food, set up, and clean up.  Also, I would like to extend a special thank you to the Parent Club Board. This community is truly one of support and service.


  1. Middle school instrumental music is staring November 1.  I have only received a small handful of music forms so far.  Please submit your music forms to the school office ASAP.  Also,
  2. I am looking to start an elementary guitar group.   The school currently owns several guitars that are begging to be used.  I would love to offer elementary school this instrumental option, but I need a teacher.   If you know anyone who would be interested in teaching guitar to K-4th, please let me know.


Tuesday, Oct 30: NO SCHOOL MASS (It will be on Nov 1 for All Saints Day)

Wednesday, Oct 31: Non-uniform day (no costumes)

–students can wear black, orange, and pumpkins

Thursday, Nov 1: Saints Month begins with mass for All Saints Day!

Thursday, Nov 1: Middle School Band from 7:30-8:20am

–Make sure you have a signed registration form turned in prior to this first meeting

–Bring your own instrument and remember to get the music books described in the info letter that went out last week.

In anticipation of our Saints Month festivities, I would like to share a quote by St. Therese of Lisieux:  “Miss no single opportunity of making some small sacrifice, here by a smiling look, there by a kindly word; always doing the smallest right and doing it all for love.”  May we all remember to live the example of St. Therese of Lisieux as we look for ways to serve, to sacrifice, and to spread joy.