Hello St. Al Families,

It is hard to believe that the month of October is almost over and with that our SCRIP Presto Pay drive. Remember to sign up for SCRIP Presto Pay by the end of the day October 31 so your student can get credit for their class and you can reap the benefits of online SCRIP access.

As I mentioned in my email last week, November will be dedicated to saints.  Each has chosen a saint and will participate in a series of activities throughout the month that revolve around the information they learn about these holy men, women, and children. Saints will be announced to families on November 1.  Feel free to join in the fun by sharing info related to the saints you know or contributing to classroom projects along the way.


Tuesday, October 23: Middle School Open House 6-7:30pm

–Prospective middle school families are welcome to visit and learn more about the program we offer.

Wednesday, October 24: Prayer Assembly led by 7/8 Boys at 1:45pm

Friday, October 26: Family Fun Night

–Costumes allowed a.) no weapons b.) no blood & gore c.) no witchcraft/wizardry d.) no masks e.) Catholic school appropriate

–More info available on the school website

–6-8th grade dance in Wilson Room

Non-uniform Days for October

Since we did not have an official non-uniform day in September, we will be having two non-uniform days this month:

Friday, October 26:  In celebration of the fall season and in preparation for Family Fun Night, students are welcome to wear fall colors (yellow, red, orange, brown, etc…).

Wednesday, October 31: Students may wear orange, black, and pumpkin related items.

On any non-uniform day students are welcome to wear jeans.  Leggings are allowed if the shirt, skirt, etc…covering them is long enough to meet our current skirt length requirements.  Yoga pants and basketball shorts may not be worn.   

Please keep in mind that the spirit of these days is to allow us to celebrate something together as a community. Students are not obligated to participate through clothing and are welcome to wear their uniforms if they choose. With each non-uniform day I will be working with student council to come up with days that will allow every student to be included.

Welcome Breakfast 

The 5/6 Boys and Girls are teaming up this Sunday, October 28 to attend mass and the monthly Welcome Breakfast at St. Al’s.  Please dress in full uniform for the 10am mass on Sunday and then stay for the breakfast in the Family Center after.  Check with Mary Johnson for more information.

Policies & Procedures: 

We will be having a lockdown drill this week.  A lockdown occurs when there is immediate danger on or around campus that requires school activity to stop while we remain silent behind locked doors.  In the event of a real lockdown students will be quickly ushered into classrooms (if out in the halls, lunchroom, or playground) by school staff. Students and staff should go to or stay in the closest room.  Staff will make sure doors are locked, blinds are drawn, and lights are off. The principal and office staff will send out an email via RenWeb to notify parents of what is taking place and we will keep in direct contact with the local authorities to monitor the situation.  A summary of what occurred would then be sent to all families after we have been given the all clear to return to business as usual.


Thank you to all of the families who have signed up for the Chili Cook-off and those who purchased items from the prize wish list for Family Fun Night.  Also, a big thank you in advance to everyone who will be volunteering this Friday night.  Remember, the work doesn’t stop on Friday, as we will need to clean up the gym and Wilson Room on Saturday.  If you are willing and able please join us on Saturday morning.