Happy Native American Heritage Month! During the month of November, we’ve been reading stories that celebrate the history and traditions of our nation’s first peoples. As we all know, our land wasn’t discovered so much as it was conquered and, with that turmoil, the native people who lived here first have been given a side note in history. Our goal this month is to share the stories and rich histories of our country’s first caretakers and to amplify their voices so we can appreciate all we have learned from them. One word we have learned in our read-aloud is Otsaliheliga (oh-jah-LEE-hey-lee-gah), the Cherokee word for “we are grateful”. And, one of our favorite stories so far has been Fry Bread: A Native American Family Story by Kevin Noble Maillard. Don’t be surprised if your primary grade student is interested in making some fry bread soon!
I need to remind everyone that we have a library FULL of books just waiting to be checked out to curious readers. I’m adding books weekly, trying to update our collection and bring in more diverse and more modern voices. Don’t worry, we’re keeping all the great books we already had but we’re expanding our collection to gather new, exciting stories and histories. Let me know if you have some excellent books to donate to the library; we’re always happy to take them!
If your student wants to check out some books, it is important that you contact me in advance; send me an email at [email protected], or they can send me a chat on Teams. I’ll pull the books (if available) and have them ready for pick up this week on Thursday, 11/19, from 2:30 to 4 pm, and next Tuesday, 11/23, at the same time. NOTE: I will only do Thursday library pickups/returns beginning after Thanksgiving.
We’re still working on getting our collection online and you will be the first to know when that is accomplished! Until then, let me know how I can help your student find the right book for them.
Let me say Otsaliheliga to you all. I am grateful for the ability to see your kids each day, even if it’s through a screen, and I am grateful for your unending support of our library and our school. Have a blessed Thanksgiving break!