CYO Updates on Fall Sports
Attention runners! A note from XC Coach Joe Sperry…
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CYO News
Volleyball registration for 4-8 grades is OPEN! And check out our basketball teams!
CYO News
Congratulations to all of our CYO soccer players for an awesome season!
Bump It UP Volleyball 2019!
Parent FUN!raiser Volleyball Tournament
BUMP, SET, SPIKE…or something close to it! This is our Annual FUNraiser Tournament to support St. John/St. Al Athletics!
Register for basketball NOW!
2019-20 Basketball Registration is open until October 28th!
CYO Track Update
All students who are participating in track this year need to order the track T-Shirt. The on-line store is open now and will close April 14th so please put your order in right away. There is also a track sweatshirt that is optional. The track sweatshirt is only for track and cannot replace the school uniform sweatshirt. Please click on the link below to order your track uniform. The cost is $12.50 for the T-shirt. Sweatshirts are optional and cost $23.00. Track Store:
Track Registration is still open!
Track: 4th – 8th grades
Practice: Monday, Wednesday, 6:30 – 8:00 PM through May
Optional Practice: Fridays 6:30-7:30 PM
Where: all at the Ingraham High School track.
Meets: Saturdays, May 4, 11, 18, and June 1. Locations vary.
8th grade-only Pentathlon on May 19
Pizza party at the end of the season!
Like cross-country, practices are optional–we understand kids have many other commitments, so please send your kids when it works. Please don’t worry if you can attend any or all of the meets. Also, we understand many kids do club sports outside of school, so if they can’t make any practices but will be running elsewhere, we would still love to have them for meets if they are interested, so let us know. CYO Sports Registration Link
We need your CYO photos for the website and the yearbook! Please send any photos to [email protected] or to [email protected].
Angels’ Angle: March 28
Spring Track Registration
Track registration is opening soon!
Does your child like to run? Jump? Throw things? Get to know kids in other grades? Have fun? Track season is starting soon! Sign your 4th – 8th grader up for the St. Al/St. John track team. We had a ton of fun last year with a record 85 kids participating, and a 2018 CYO championship team win. We look forward to another year and any and all are welcome to participate regardless of experience or ability.
Practices start Monday, March 25 and continue through the end of May. Practices will be Mondays and Wednesdays, 6:30 – 8:00 PM at the Ingraham High School track. This year we are also able to offer Friday practices, 6:30 – 7:30, for those who want to do a bit more running or get additional practice on their field events. Meets will be on Saturdays, May 4, 11, 18, and June 1. There is also a very fun 8th grade-only Pentathlon on May 19 that we encourage all 8th graders to participate in—pizza party details will be forthcoming.
Like cross-country, practices are optional–we understand kids have many other commitments, so please send your kids when it works. Please don’t worry if you can attend any or all of the meets. Also, we understand many kids do club sports outside of school, so if they can’t make any practices but will be running elsewhere, we would still love to have them for meets if they are interested, so let us know.
We’re welcoming back Mike Martinez as distance coach and Trevor Sevigny as sprinting coach, and are thrilled to have Dave White and Rachel Lambert on board to coach sprinting and Chris and Marie Holt back to continue their support with coaching distance. If anyone else has a passion for track, we welcome any and all parent-helpers at practices.
Angels’ Angle: March 21
CYO Baseball Sign Ups
It’s time to sign up for CYO Baseball!
We hope to field a 5th/6th and either one or two 7 and 8th grade teams for the 2019 CYO season.
We need coaches for the 5th/6th grade team! Without a coach, we cannot field a team. Please contact Kevin Sylvester at [email protected] right away if you would like to coach or be an assistant.
Register here:
Registration Fee is $95
CYO Baseball reminders:
- Baseball is a co-ed sport.
- We encourage our players to participate in additional leagues (LL, Pony, Club, etc.) CYO is an opportunity for classmates to play the game together, but we do not practice (just 2 practices in March) during the season, this is an opportunity to play more games and get more chances to hit, field and pitch.
Outdoor practice will be at Loyal Heights 3/2 and 3/9 from 3:30pm – 5:00pm.
Game Dates:
- League
- March 17, 24, 31
- April 7, 14, 21, 28
- May 5, 12
- Tournament
- Wednesday, May 15 – Sunday, June 2, 2018
Volleyball Registration Now Open
Volleyball registration is open! CYO sports are open to school and parish kids, so recruit your friends and spread the word about volleyball! The regular season games run from February to April, with practices beginning the week of Feb 11. Playoffs for grades 6/7/8 are held in April 2019. Volleyball registration costs $75.
Please register early so we can plan for coaches and gym times.
Click here to register. For scholarships click here.
If you would like to coach or assist, please contact John Fletcher.