Attention 4th and 5th Graders!
Join the Debate Club!
DebateAble is offering an after school debate club every Tuesday, 3:15-4:15pm, beginning March 6th through June 5th.
Debate builds kids’ confidence, critical thinking, and public speaking skills. Spring Debate Club includes participation in DebateAble’s Annual Citywide Tournament, an exciting event that gives young debaters the unique opportunity to practice their skills in a real tournament environment. DebateAble is the only elementary program of its kind in the country, making debate fun for kids– no experience required! Students will prepare for the tournament during regular club meetings, engaging in games and other activities that build critical thinking and public speaking skills, then working with fellow debaters to formulate, practice and respond to arguments around this year’s (still top secret!) tournament topic. (The tournament is not a St. Alphonsus School sponsored event but the St. Al’s debate team will participate.)
DebateAble encourages kids to find their own voices and to listen to the voices of others! For more information, visit
Registration open 8am February 16th at
Cost: $260- 13 weeks (no class 4/3)