The St. Alphonsus Parish School 2017-2018 Annual Report is now available online. Paper copies are also available in the School Office.
It’s Graduation Time!
Congratulations to our St. Alphonsus Parish School 8th Grade Graduates moving on to high school!
Ballard High School
Bishop Blanchet High School
Christian Faith High School (Idaho)
Holy Names Academy
Ingraham High School
King’s Christian
O’Dea High School
Wood River High School
Our 8th Grade Graduation Mass will be held on Monday, June 11 at 9 am. The Graduation Ceremony will take place in the Church at 7 pm.
Congratulations also to our high school graduates, both St. Alphonsus Parish School Alum and parishioners who are attending colleges throughout the country:
Loyola University of Chicago
Oregon Institute of Technology
Purdue University
St. Edwards’ University
University of Washington
Congratulations to all our St. Al’s graduates!!
Young Authors at St. Als!
Each year our First and Second graders host their own nights for sharing their writing.
First graders write poetry collections. Mrs. Costa and the First Graders work hard on all kinds of poetry and finish with a wonderful evening of poetry reading.
The Second graders wrote and illustrated their own short stories. (Special thanks to Mrs. Cintron for doing all the typing!)
Shop Our Online Book Fair
Grandparents and Grandfriends Day: May 25
Grandparents’ & Grandfriends’ Day
Friday, May 25
10:0 am – 12 Noon
Grandparents and Grandfriends Day is a special morning honoring the Grandparents and Grandfriends of St. Alphonsus Parish School.
There will be a short program in the Family Center*, followed by the opportunity to visit your student’s classroom, enjoy refreshments, peruse our Spring Book Fair, and also capture a special morning photo.
Invitations have gone out but it’s not too late to invite your Grandparent or Grandfriend to join us! You can forward the link or simply call them on the phone!
Please RSVP online or via email to [email protected]. We just need to know the name of your special guest(s) and which child(ren) they will be visiting.
Please RSVP by Monday, May 21st.
*Festivities will begin in the Family Center and not the Church, as previously advertised. Check-in at 10am.
We’re Marching!
17th of May Festival Parade
Let’s Meet at 5:15 pm on Thursday
Meet at NW 60th St. and 26th Ave NW – there’s a nice little grassy spot. Look for the St. Al’s spirit wear or school sweatshirts, our school banner, and a familiar face or two. All children must be accompanied by an adult (either you or another adult you have communicated with in advance).
Be sure to be dressed in your favorite St. Al’s spirit wear!
Complete Necessary Paperwork in advance
ALL Participants need to complete the following documents and bring it with you:
Individual Hold Harmless Agreement
There are copies in the school office and we’ll have a few extras with us on Thursday.
Parade Starts at 6 pm
Once we know where we will be starting from – the parade organizers line us up – we’ll move from our meeting spot over to the starting location and then join a couple of super cool cars and trucks as our escorts.
Parade Route
The parade route begins at the corner of NW 62nd and 24th Avenue NW. The route follows south to Market Street and eastward to Bergen Place park, then turns right onto 22nd and continues south down Ballard Avenue and ends at Lone St.
Can’t Make the Meeting Time and still want to March?
Text any last minute logistical questions to:
- Season Evans at 206.402.2495
And When You’re Done?
Be sure to submit your volunteer parent hours on RenWeb! Yes, marching in the parade counts (parents/guardians only).
Contact Season Evans
SCRIP May Madness!
Here is how Scrip May Madness works:
Retailers give St. Alphonsus a percentage for every Scrip card sold. For example, if you buy a $100 Fred Meyer card for your next shopping trip, Fred Meyer gives St. Alphonsus a certain percentage back and you spend that $100 card buying groceries. There is no extra cost for you, but you just gave 4% back to St. Alphonsus on your Scrip card purchase.
For the month of May, the rebate amount of your Scrip purchase will be added to the other families in your child’s class and the class with the highest averaged dollar amount will win an end of the year party.
Anyone can buy and use Scrip
You, your family, your friends, and even your co-workers! So please support your class and the school and stock up on all those grocery, gas, and/or gift Scrip.
Scrip cards may be purchased:
- Online at (enrollment code A28AF4B59532)
- Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings at 8:15-8:45 am in The Commons (small cafeteria) at school
- Wednesday mornings at 8:30 am in the Preschool classroom
- Friday afternoon at 2:45-3:15 pm in The Commons (small cafeteria) at school
- After all weekend Masses in the back vestibule
- At the Parish office during the week
Contact Mija Hamilton at [email protected] for more info.
Teacher Appreciation Week: May 7-11
Teacher appreciation week is coming up! On May 7th through 11th we will treat our wonderful staff to a daily buffet in the staff room.
This is a great opportunity to thank our teachers for all they do for our children at St. Als!
If you would like to volunteer, check out the sign-up list or contact Christine Cavanaugh.
Jog-A-Thon: Thursday, May 3
The countdown to the Jog-A-Thon is on and it’s getting exciting. Thank you for all your donations and pledges so far. Let’s keep them coming!
Our whole school is participating in the Jog-A-Thon. Check out the schedule for when your child(ren) is running. Come and cheer them on or join in the fun and run with them!
8:45 – 9:05
9:00 – 9:30
9:30 – 10:10
5/6 Boys & Girls
Recess Break
10:35 – 11:05
2nd Grade
11:10 – 11:40
3rd Grade
11:10 -11:50
4th Grade
1:20 – 2:00
7/8 Boys and Girls
1st Grade
There are still volunteer spots available! Click here to sign up.
Walk & Bike to School Day!
Save the Date!
Wednesday, May 9
Strap on your helmets, raise your kickstands, and join the thousands of students, families, community partners, and elected officials all around the country who will be participating in this year’s Bike to School Day on Wednesday, May 9. To celebrate this day we will have snacks & drinks after your arrival at school.
Learn about about this national event here.